Dark Panda Productions


Thank you for visiting my website

This site is intended to show off the kind of customized websites I build for my clients, but it also functions as my personal blog. I'm constantly updating/changing the overall design, as I experiment with new ideas and web developer tools, so this site should not be regarded as a completed project.

One thing that remains constant, however, is my philosophy that a website should be fairly universal. What I mean by that is a website shouldn't look hideous, or be unusable, just because you're viewing it on a tablet, or a smartphone; a website should be flexible enough to adjust its layout for small or large screens. Web developers call this 'responsive' design, because the layout responds to your screen. Everything about this website is constructed with responsive design in mind.

Try it for yourself! Try resizing your browser window, and watch how the layout responds to narrower window sizes, or try viewing this page from your smartphone. Having a website like this means you don't need to have a stripped down "mobile" site that isn't as fully featured as your desktop site. You can build
one site, maintain one site, and still reach the largest possible audience!